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"ROSIN’s breaking the rules, and they don’t care who knows; just call them the bad boys (and girls) of classical music."

—Elmore Magazine


 ROSIN is a band of wolves dressed in formal attire. Armed only with unassuming acoustic instruments, they lay siege to their own brand of classical music with a ferocity usually reserved for athletic events. Smuggling contraband elements of bluegrass, jazz, and pop-rock into their rèpertoire, ROSIN performs with skill, joy and a cloud of gritty rosin dust. 

ROSIN venerates tradition, but they always did better in music than history. They have been known to slide up and down the fingerboard an indecent amount; to turn suddenly left into a tango; to switch instruments impulsively; or even to change the ending if they feel like it.  

ROSIN loves music. And they play it like someone's going to take it away from them when the show's over.


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a Taste of rosin